Free weight management clinics for your pet at Chestnut Vets in Ware and Hertford
20th February 2012
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Qualified veterinary nurse, Lorraine at Chestnut Vets in Hertford and Ware, is running FREE weight management clinics for dogs and cats. 

The clinics are aimed at pets that are overweight, and need some help to lose the excess pounds!   Lorraine will assess your pet’s body condition and set up a weight loss target for your pet, and help them to reach that target with diet plans, exercise and regular weigh-ins.

Once your dog or cat has been neutered, they are particularly prone to putting on weight, so booking in for a weight check with Lorraine is a great way of making sure that the weight isn’t creeping on!

Obesity contributes to many diseases for people as well as pets, such as diabetes and arthritis, so it is very important to keep your pets weight right.  This can often prove difficult as once a pet starts to put on weight, their physical activity is likely to drop making it harder to lose weight.  It is also difficult if your pet is particularly hungry, and used to getting fed on demand or getting treats throughout the day.  Lorraine will have solutions to all of these problems, so give her a call to book in for her free weight management clinics on 01920 468874 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            01920 468874      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

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Victoria H

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi there, my name's Victoria and as owner of thebestof Hertford and Ware it's my job to find and promote the best information, events and businesses that Hertford and Ware have to offer!

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