Chestnut Vets host another great client evening aimed at elderly dogs.
12th June 2011
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The Chestnut Veterinary Group hosted another great, informative, client evening last week, aimed at clients who had elderly dogs. 
Presentations were given on pain control and acupuncture, and clients were given the chance to view the practice, including the kennel and ops theatre, and see the equipment set up.  Rooms were set up to focus on obesity, diet, and dental disease with nurses and vets being available to answer questions and chat to clients.
Clients and staff had a great time, and Chestnut Vets had some great feedback about the event:

“Excellent, well presented and very informative.  It covered everything in depth and at the right level, Very informative and you can see the justification of the fees.”
“It was very informative.  The staff were very friendly and helpful.”
“It was informative and explained very well, easy to understand.  It was a very enjoyable evening.”

If you've got any questions about your elderly pet, or would like to know more about up and coming client evenings, please call The Chestnut Veterinary Group, based in Ware and Hertford, on 01920 468874.

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Victoria H

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi there, my name's Victoria and as owner of thebestof Hertford and Ware it's my job to find and promote the best information, events and businesses that Hertford and Ware have to offer!

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