News & Updates
Annoyances and Irritations News & Updates

The Best Of Tunbridge Wells Joins the New Social Media Blog Revolution - grab a pitchfork and flaming torch and come along!
Why does parking have to be so expensive, and have machines that don't give change?!
Have your say about the proposed housing development plans in Hitchin.
Here in our sunshine town of Brighton, life isn’t always just a breeze but if you’re planning a trip to London, there could be some storm clouds on the horizon...if you get caught unawares in the Congestion Charging system.’s fine. Now there's a way to protect yourself.
Losing all your computer data with a Hard Disc failure can be a very painful, costly, and frustrating experience. Don't let it happen to you,take some easy precautions and sleep easily at night.
Back from my travels
Back from my travels
Homeward bound, the long long way round.
VOTE now for the business that YOU think provides "Exceptional Customer Service" !
Why are children's menus in cafes and restaurants usually limited to choices like bangers and mash, chicken nuggets or burgers? Don't we want our kids to enjoy a varied diet?
Road's Closed for Traffic
Road's Closed for Traffic
What message does so many signs saying 'Roads Closed' show about the town?
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