Body by Vi Challenge hits Taunton
29th May 2013
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The Body Bi Vi 90 day challenge has hit the streets of Taunton. With the country seemingly unable to stem the tide of obesity the fastest growing weight loss supplement in the world has now hit our shores. “Not only are the Body By Vi shakes suitable for everyone, but they are affordable,” says Steven.

The motto “a shake mix that tastes like a cake mix” is as close to reality as you can get and by enjoying the shakes this increases the chances of you continuing with them whilst delivering results. How is Body By Vi different to the other nutritional supplements on the market?

Firstly, the product itself has a trisorb protein blend; without getting too technical, it’s three types of protein, which means you’re fuller for longer and the protein is absorbed into the body more efficiently.

Secondly, the low sugar content means it is friendly to those who have to be careful about their sugar intake, such as diabetics. Each shake is packed with 26 minerals and vitamins to help create that healthier you.

As Body By Vi is a challenge, this instantly sets people in the correct mind-set of achieving their goals. If you would like to try before you buy Click Here for more details and we will rush you a sample in the post.

Weight loss should be an enjoyable experience and the challenge for you now is to take the first step and hear it is Click here

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