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Welford Pre School is looking for a volunteer with accountancy skills to help them…. Ideally the person will have knowledge of the accountancy software SAGE too… If you can help them out call Market Harborough (01858) 575029….
Sainsbury's raises over £27,000 for Rainbows Over 250 children and their families will benefit from a £27,200 donation raised by Sainsbury's stores across the East Midlands.Since October last year, staff and customers at 16 local Sainsbury's stores have ra
FREE Training Seminars for Independent Businesses in Market HarboroughYou recently expressed an interest in attending business training seminars in Market Harborough.The training starts next week and currently there are still spaces on all the sessions. Yo
Well another fine meeting with the businesses of Market Harborough was held Wednesday evening at The Angel Hotel. The evening started at 6.30pm with everyone meeting in the bar for some light informal networking followed by the main meeting. Membe
Wow look at the press release from my local networking business club, with some clever SEO from Steve at Mckenzie-Thorpe and the numerous links from Thebestof Market Harborough we have seen the Google rankings climb higher and higher. "Harborough's fast
The Market Harborough Chamber of Trade and Commerce monthly meeting was attended by many independent traders and ITN News. The Market Harborough Chamber of Trade and Commerce monthly steering group meeting was launched in a networking format for the
This is a message from Harborough & Lutterworth Police.Due to the recent cold weather snap we have had an increase in reports of Theft Of Motor Vehicles.Although it is tempting to start your vehicle and then go inside for a cuppa while the vehicle defrosts
It's not until you get involved in an event like late night shopping in Market Harborough until you realise just how much work goes into making sure the day goes off without a hitch.We were up at the Gartree Depot for 8.00am (myself, Martin Hill, Sarah Hil
The First Sounds of Christmas With Rainbows Rainbows Children's Hospice is inviting people in and around Leicestershire to begin the Christmas season with them at the Christmas Concert on Thursday, 4th December at 7.30pm at St James the Greater in Le
One stone or more to lose? Join LighterLife The people of Market Harborough and the surrounding areas will be offered a new weight loss solution in November when local LighterLife Counsellor, Tabitha Prince, opens her doors to members of the communit
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