Your Blog Posts

Making the Most of the Season's Vegetables

Get cooking with seasonal Purple Sprouting Broccoli and Curly Kale!

Lovely Leeks

08 March 2012 14:01

Leeks are in season and there are so many ways you can cook them

Pancake Day - Make It Local!

16 February 2012 14:10

If you are making pancakes on Pancake Day, why not make it with local ingredients, from local shops?

Frugal Food Budgeting For January - Article 3

Save money by careful cooking.

Frugal Food Budgeting For January - Article 2

More tips to help you spend less on food, but still enjoy your meals.

Frugal Food Budgeting For January - Part 1 by @PennysRecipes

Cutting down your food bills can be easy by planning a few low cost meals and making the most of seasonal food and bargains

Sharing Food

12 December 2011 09:52

Sharing food is good for our well being as well as our taste buds and creates a relaxed, convivial atmosphere.

Stress Free Christmas Cooking

05 December 2011 15:18

If you are entertaining over Christmas, a little planning can help things run smoothly. And remember that time with family and friends is the most precious Christmas present of all.

The Wonders of Breadmaking from @PennysRecipes

Baking your own bread is economical and healthy, but most of all it is fun and therapeutic and easier than you might think! If you have never tried it, do have a go - but beware - you to may become a bread-making evangelist!

Great Cooking on a Budget by @PennysRecipes

Cooking meals from scratch is a great ways to save money in these cash strapped times.

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