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The red carpet will be rolled out for a glamorous award ceremony in Ulverston this Friday as The Heart of Ulverston Awards takes place at The Coronation Hall in County Square.
Get Online Week
Get Online Week
To some people the internet remains an unknown quantity, and all the benefits of being on line simply aren’t discovered or enjoyed, which is a real shame; the internet can make life easier in ways both big and small — and it can be much simpler than people think!
With all the excitement and drama of the Rugby World Cup it’s easy to forget that there’ s plenty of other things to do in Barrow and Furness. We’ll be cheering England on this weekend (well - shouting at the TV counts as cheering...doesn’t it?) but that’s not everybody’s cup of tea. vSo whether you’re trying to escape the games, or you’re looking for something to do before the big match on Saturday evening (England Vs Wales 8pm) there’s plenty planned for the week ahead, with a wide variety of days out, shows and activities taking place.
Barrow & District Credit Union introduces it's Flexi Loan
Barrow Businesses back exciting new initiative to improve Town Centre.
Box Office to open on Saturdays
Box Office to open on Saturdays
Coronation Hall box office to open on Saturdays in time for their autumn programme.
What’s on for the week ahead in Barrow and Furness? There are always plenty of exciting and varied things to do in Barrow and Furness - and this weekend is no exception.
Be Social Holiday Savvy
Be Social Holiday Savvy
Who is looking at your holiday snaps online?
This year, Scouts from Walney and Ulverston have headed to Japan for what will be the experience of a lifetime.
This summer sees an exciting new chapter for a popular Pre-School Nursery in Ulverston.
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