Your Blog Posts

Why a business blog should be on your “to do” list this month

Jane Woodyer, Business Blogger and Content Writer, shares how blogs can benefit your business.

Surrey conversion inspires French dreams

Paul Devereux continues his tales of travels and shares his humorous stories with the best of Farnham....

This is why the French make great neighbours

Paul Devereux continues his tales of travels and shares his humorous stories with the best of Farnham....

Celebrate Curry in Britain with National Curry Week

Curry lovers get out and visit your local curry houses and help support National Curry Week - 7th to 13th October.

Once upon a time, in France...

25 September 2013 18:25

Paul Devereux shares tales of his travels and funny stories with the best of Farnham.
A little introduction to Paul and his cottage in France and his first meeting with a French Farmer.

How To Ethically Copy Business Successes

Thebestof Farnham business member, AVN Picktree Ltd, share with us why businesses stop growing and what you can do about it

Fascinating stories from my travels around Farnham

Sherlock Holmes Society of London - weekend in Surrey and Hampshire and visit to Farnham's Barley Mow pub in The Sands to re-enact a famous fight scene.

Pet, family and holiday pictures look great as Canvas Prints and make great gifts.

Have you ever visited a friends house and seen a great family portrait picture or a scene from a holiday on a canvas print and wondered how and where they had it created? We think canvas prints make great gifts and thought you would like to know a little more of the processes involved to create your favourite moment on canvas.

Adventures in Farnham

03 April 2013 21:07

Illustrator and textile artist, Eleanor Thomas, shares her experiences and illustrations of life in Farnham.

14 Days of Love Campaign Creates Record Breaking Results

With so many great businesses in Farnham, the accolade of being the Most Loved Business in town is something to be really proud of - The results are in and the winners are.........