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Spare the fine and spoil the drinker by David Callam ALCOHOL abuse is costing all of us more than we anticipated. Standing our round in terms of contributions to hospitals, policing and generally cleaning up after those who drink too much is set t
Expel politicians from the classroom EDUCATION and politics are as potentially explosive a mixture as gunpowder and a naked flame. Croydon Council's plans to close four apparently failing schools are a case in point - with head teachers, parents a
Stay small or grow big?
Stay small or grow big?
All change in central Croydon - by David CallamRETAIL is in decline in central Croydon - long-term decline.This has nothing to do with downturns or alleged recessions, except that they will speed up a process that has been under way for a few years or more
The world is your oyster
The world is your oyster
WELCOME to a weekly series of business blogs that I am calling A Croydon Eye. They will centre on business developments in the borough and I will post them here every Thursday morning. I hope most of them will be positive, despite the present
Keeping trade local to Croydon makes perfect senseI fully back the 'Keep Trade Local' campaign currently run by the Federation of Small Businesses as well as the 'Think Global, Act Local' mantra used by environmental campaigners.Local businesses are the li
How high before we stop?
How high before we stop?
Is Croydon public transport getting more popular? Whenever the Government tells us NOT to do something, there is always a great chance many will go ahead and do it anyway! And today was no exception 'we know lorry drivers are threatening to block petr
Ready steady shop
Ready steady shop
Croydon teen mum is Big Brother contestant It's big brother time again and no doubt the nation will be spending most of their summer watching the drama unfold. I won't be watching it but was reading with interest that Alexandra De-Gale, a 23 year old
Some of you will have been involved in the dotcom boom and bust area, some will remember the recession of the early 1990s and some of us are currently experiencing the first 'down turn' of our working life. Whatever your age and the age of your business
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