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Brighton Palace Pier are pleased to be introduction 3 brand new attractions this Summer season...
Festivals in August in Brighton and Hove. Check out our list of Festivals and Outdoor Events for Summer 2018...
Here is a list of major outdoor events that are taking place in Brighton & Hove in Winter 2018....
Love Theatre? Enter our free prize draw competition to win 4 tickets to a Once Upon a Time on Something Street show in August/September.
A series of business support events funded by Brighton & Hove City Council and delivered by Brighton Chamber.
The Brighton & Hove Independent are to launch their new Business Awards in 2016 to celebrate business excellence in the City.
(Brighton &) Hove Grown is a new writing festival consisting of 29 shows and workshops taking place between 18th-27th March 2016, a multi-arts celebration of the creative community in Brighton & Hove.
Here is a list of major outdoor events that are taking place in Brighton & Hove in Summer 2017. The city hosts over 400 outdoor events each year.
This Autumn, the streets, parks and open spaces of Brighton & Hove will become home to a very special "pack" of individually designed Snowdog sculptures, painted by both well-known and undiscovered artists and sponsored by local businesses.
The new Brighthelm Mural transforms the alleyway at the side into a space which reflects the local community and which everyone can feel part of. Join us at the launch party Friday 4th December.
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