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Each year since 1975, National Tree Week has encouraged us to celebrate our beautiful surroundings for a whole week in the year - and what better way to do it than planting your own trees?
Being a carer comes with huge responsibilities! People often give up their jobs and many enjoyable aspects of their lives to look after a friend, relative or neighbour. It's an ultimate act of human kindness.
The younger generation, particularly, may be interested to know that this is not about I-pods, Mac's and I-Pads! It's is a day to recognise the wealth and variety of apples available in the United Kingdom. The day was first started in 1990 by Common Ground in Covent Garden.
Clean Beaches Are The Best!
Clean Beaches Are The Best!
The Great British Beach Clean is launched once again this September! Why? Because the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) knows that the coast is a single environment of its own that needs extra special focus! The beach clean weekend is into its 21st year and all the information collected is made into useful data for the Big Weekend survey.
Organic September Is Here!
Organic September Is Here!
Organic September is the UK's biggest celebration of all things organic. Organic September supports everything from farm events to fantastic promotions. By choosing organic we can all support a kinder, greener and better food system – from more bees and hedgerows, better animal welfare, and shorter more trustworthy food chains.
A new short film by North Devon film maker Jo Stewart-Smith takes a close up look at the work of Ilfracombe lobster fisherman Geoff Huelin.
Any Twitter users out there? Meet other #barnstaple and #ndevon social media users Monday 14th July at Lilicos
A new door-to-door trial service for cancer patients who need to get to North Devon District Hospital (NDDH) for oncology or chemotherapy treatment and who would struggle to get there has been launched
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