News & Updates
Business News & Updates

There are 2 major road closures through September and October on the A377 and A361 which affect road travel to and from Barnstaple. If you use these roads for business or freight transport check out the details here...
Activity surrounding broadband in North Devon is moving at a pace so Paul Coles, responsible for Regional Programmes at BT has provided the following update. Read on for more information.......
The best Warren Buffet advice - echoed by many others - is: invest only in what you know.
North Devon has a growing number of young people who have successfully achieved degrees, yet remain unemployed. The impact of this is increased pressure in other areas of the labour market, as competition for jobs remains high.
Are you thinking of making the most of your investments before the new tax year starts? If so, then you may be interested in knowing that from New Years Eve new regulations are being implemented regarding charges related to advice about your investments.
No-one knows about 'digital' like Google, so if they say Braunton are 'digital trailblazers' for rural online businesses, they should know!! Well done to our North Devon village and let's campaign for better digital connections for more rural Devon areas
North Devon has a large number of micro businesses, very often run by women and from their home. Helpful and affordable training can be hard to come by so Women's Development Unlimited might be of interest to North Devon women running their own business
Small businesses often complain that they cannot really compete with larger firms. Economy of scale is usually cited as the main reason for this. Large firms are able to purchase raw materials and stock on a scale that a small business could never afford.
The phenomena of Social Media has well and truly reached North Devon and the more people who use it correctly, the better it will be for businesses here in Barnstaple. Three basic rules to follow if you want to connect using Linkedin
How often have you considered attending a business networking meeting but dismissed it at the last minute? If you are a business owner who is anxious about 2012, this could be the right time for you to give it a try in Barnstaple this year.
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