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The mystery of the Preseli hills has intrigued me since a young age. I have often pondered on the significance of the hills and in particular it's well documented connection with Stonehenge.
Many people have started preparing for a certain special occasion at the end of December but there's November to enjoy yet - let's see what's on this week.
November - Short days and cold nights. Grab a cup of something warming and have a read through what's happening this week...
Here's a list of events to help you make the most of your free time!
Find out what's happening on your doorstep and make the most of your county!
Keep reading to find out all you need to know about Halloween, Bonfire Night and more!
Just some of the things to do and see over the last week in October
Pembrokeshire What's On Blog
Pembrokeshire What's On Blog
Read on for your Half-term and Halloween Bumper Edition!
Half-term and Halloween Bumper Edition with links to all the information you need!
The UK Bungee Club have just successfully completed a weekend of adrenaline sport in Pembroke Dock, With over 100 Bungee jumpers completing the 160ft dare devil jump off the cleddau bridge!
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