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HoundDogs player bags GB Spot
HoundDogs player bags GB Spot
HoundDogs wide receiver bags GB spot in recent trial
Parish Council award Club
Parish Council award Club
Hellingly Parish Council help out Houndogs after recent flooding
Banstead solicitors Cuff & Gough have become very proud sponsors of the Epsom & Ewell Colts Football U8’s team.
Bourne Bowls Club raised £709 for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care in Farnham, through their annual ‘Powder Puff’ day.
A team from Epsom & Ewell took runners-up spot for the second year in a row at the 2019 Better Club Games, representing the borough to compete against 500 over 55-year-olds at the an Olympic-style event for older people, held at the Copper Box Arena, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Thursday 19th September.
A Walking Netball team representing Epsom & Ewell at the annual Better Club Games beat off stiff competition from 6 other teams in a round robin tournament to claim first place on Friday 13th September 2019.
In the last year have you been inspired by a local athlete? Impressed by a volunteer? Motivated by a coach? If you know a local sporting hero that deserves to be recognised, show your appreciation and nominate them for this year's Epsom and Ewell Sports Awards
Hellingly HoundDogs 2019 Awards
Hellingly HoundDogs 2019 Awards
Hellingly HoundDogs celebrate 2019 season with annual Awards event.
Hellingly HoundDogs are looking to add to their current Coaching pool
HoundDogs scoop Award
HoundDogs scoop Award
HoundDogs scoop More Radio Award at Cooden Beach Hotel
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