News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Climate Change: The Ultimate End of the Pier Show!
Whether employees are travelling abroad or in the UK on business, employers have a legal responsibility to look after the welfare and safety of their staff.
On Saturday, thousands of people of all ages, came together for Croxfest music festival.
Theatres are at the heart of our communities. Let's shout about how much that matters.When our Councillors are taking tough decisions about how to spend our taxes, they need to know how much we value our local theatre's work and role in the community. Let's tell them - my theatre matters!
It's very easy to moan about "the state of our town" and do nothing - now's your chance to make a difference.
Over the summer Watford Women’s Centre Plus held a photography competition (#wwcplusphoto), with the help of two networking organisations Best of Watford and Link 4 Growth.
Joke Of The Week
Joke Of The Week
Joke of the week to keep you all amused
Experience has shown, that September is usually a busy month for those job hunting with lots of vacancies after the summer break.
150 special cars filled Camberley town centre last Saturday......
Jongleurs on the road has become a popular fixture in the Epsom Playhouse
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