News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Find out a little more about working in care from the people who know.....
Please get involved in whatever way you can and help ensure that Dalton Leisure Centre is around to serve the local community for many, many more years to come.
Children seeking support at a local charity will soon be able to combat COVID isolation by exploring a virtual Kendal Castle and building their own submarine at Barrow Docks thanks to an innovative new digital project.
Give a member of your family a gift that keeps on giving...
When the going gets tough - you can always count on Barrow Market Hall traders to deliver!
31 days of fun, quick, free and creative challenges for every day throughout January.
Book in NOW to prepare your home for 2021!
Nominate your neighour for a lovely surprise in 2021 courtesy of Lifestyle Sales & Lettings!
Keep your kids reading over the Christmas holidays by signing up to the Winter Mini Reading Challenge!
Speak to Platinum Care about your new role in care services today!
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