News & Updates
Food and Drink News & Updates

Resolution inspiration?
Resolution inspiration?
Struggling for ways to make 2016 that bit better?
Dog walks east of Winchester
Dog walks east of Winchester
Discovery the wider Winchester area with your family and even a dog, some lovely walks, and pet friendly pubs.
Christmas early birds
Christmas early birds
Are you one of those dreadful people who starts Christmas shopping in October? Or are you dreading the festivities?
Halloween can be a tricky time for your hound! Keep reading to make it a treat with a list of dos and don’ts…
Fast cars, jazz music and cookery lessons! That's what's happening in The New Forest this week.
Hungry for Halloween?
Hungry for Halloween?
Can’t find brains? Well here’s the next best thing.
National Picnic Week
National Picnic Week
There are loads of fantastic places to stop for a bite to eat in Winchester!
Here are 5 treats that are easy to do and provide a quick cool down in that fleeting British summertime!
May 18 marks Food Safety Week and Hart District Council is inviting businesses and consumers to join the Chicken Challenge to avoid Food poisoning.
Hart Community Farms
Hart Community Farms
A new initiative is being launched in Fleet by Transition Fleet to start a community farm project, Hart Community Farms, to bring fresh, local produce to the local community.
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