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Day 5 & 6 - On track
Day 5 & 6 - On track
Day 5 Yesterday was probably the worst yet in terms of side effects as I had a headache all day and was quite tired. It was never so bad as to warrant a pill and I thought it'd disappear with a bit more water so I upped my intake. Not as easy to do as I
Day 2 - A new dawn
Day 2 - A new dawn
A new dawn indeed. I think I woke up on the hour every hour to go to the bathroom and just couldn't get back to sleep after the 6am call of nature. On the up side I wasn't hungry, headachey, hungover, just tired. Nothing else for it but a trip to the
Day 1 - The trial begins
Day 1 - The trial begins
Woke up hungover again. Quelle surprise, but it was a very nice meal and bottle of wine, and the memory of it is all I now have to keep me going. All being well this will be the last hangover for 5 weeks or so. I always knew today would be miserable. I
False start
False start
Doh. Made a bit of a mess of it this morning.I had the steak last night - fantastic. Oven chips and onion rings - very nice also. Bottle of wine - great - in fact too great to cork and as I was alone last night I drank every last drop of it. Did I mention
The start of my diet..
The start of my diet..
Eagles Meadow Development
Eagles Meadow Development
Whether you think the new Eagles Meadow development in Wrexham with all its various materials and textures is a piece of architectural genius or a dog's dinner of an eyesore, it's there and we are all going to be living with it. I know there has been a
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