Your Blog Posts

Plant a Radish - get a Radish (where to get vegetable seedlings in Oswestry)

If the cold March dampened your ardour for planting seeds - here's a handy gardening tip.

Incredible Edible Oswestry

09 April 2013 16:58

Be part of the new Revolution and help us green up Oswestry for everyone - you, me, the birds and the bees.

Busy Bodies

03 April 2013 11:28

School Spring Holidays - energetic children hopping around - here's a few things to keep them entertained, busy and creative.

“Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.”  - William Wordsworth

If you suffer from low mood, anxiety or mild to moderate depression, and seek a non-chemical program to help you, then this might be the course for you.

Horses for courses.

12 February 2013 18:16

So, while the supermarkets and food industry hunt along the food chain for where the horse came in, and splutter out garbage like “its a labelling issue”, you may wonder why bother?


08 February 2013 12:52

If you are planning to cook a Valentine dinner for your darling this year, just remember one thing and all will be well -

KISS - or Keep It Simple Sweetheart!


20 January 2013 16:44

Saturday Night At the Movies...

Weekend Fireside Supper

15 January 2013 17:00

The snow may be snowin'' and the wind probably blowin' this weekend, so hunker down with an easy but delicious supper.

Shake it loose and let it fall.

08 January 2013 16:42

With Christmas over and the last of the festive twiglets snarfed, we can safely concentrate on achieving our New Year Resolutions, which for many is either to get fit, or lose weight, ready for the summer.

Magic Lanterns

17 December 2012 12:52

Oswestry celebrated its first Christmas Experience on Saturday, and while the clouds glowered and spat rain, and people rushed round shopping, little ‘uns (and not so little ‘uns) had a splendid time..