News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Keep up to date with events and activities in and around Farnham with our local guide.
The Christmas festivities may be over but there are still plenty of events on offer in Farnham.
To keep up to date with everything that's happening locally with our regular events guide.
More summer events and activities to enjoy in Farnham.
The weather is improving, so get out and about and enjoy what Farnham has to offer.
The Fox has been shortlisted for the Best Pub Award and is a serious contender, so let’s make it a winner and VOTE NOW.
Find out what's happening throughout the week in Farnham.
Don't miss what's going on in Farnham with our weekly round up of events.
Here's a quick round up of what’s happening in Farnham this coming week, there's loads going on for all ages to enjoy including spooky kids events!
Local Hospice Care charity Phyllis Tuckwell has recently received a cheque for £600 from the Fearnhamme Freemasons Lodge.
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