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Health and Wellbeing News & Updates

Candles lit and fairy lights are beautiful but can be dangerous if left unattended. Make sure you’re in the know to keep safe this festive season.
It’s becoming an epidemic and for all the right reasons. So if you live in North Devon, what is the Barnstaple Park run all about?
Simply Naturals
Simply Naturals
At Simply Naturals we are paving the way for weight loss, so if you've tried the fad diets with little success and are ready to help shift it for good, then this is the product that can help.
Diabetes is a common life-long health condition. There are 3.5 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK and an estimated 549,000 people who have the condition, but don’t know it.
After the tragic news of the young Kirsty List being diagnosed with mesothelioma (Cancer related to exposure to asbestos), believed to be from a North Devon school, it has led to many others concerned about the condition and any implications it may have for themselves.
We all take it for granted that our heart will keep beating – but is yours struggling to break down the levels of cholesterol and keep you pumping?
The services we rely on in North Devon has saved and changed children’s and adult’s lives for the better. Now we are at risk of losing these including SCBU, labour and delivery wards, outpatients, theatre and the children’s ward. Here is how to help.
Tis the season for flu! Whilst flu is an unpleasant illness to say the least, it usually only lasts a week or two for most. However, there are a few people who may really suffer serious complications and should ensure they have the flu jab each year.
After years of campaigning for organ donation, we want to get as many of you as possible to registered to save lives. It really is very simple and could help a multitude of families in the future.
Are You Prepared For Winter?
Are You Prepared For Winter?
We know it's coming, we are another year older & wiser, so here’s a checklist to ensure you stay safe and warm and ward off the winter chills.
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