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  • Posted by Richard H | 19th October 2018 | ... Comments
A FIVE star lifestyle in hotel-style surroundings in Worcester could be easier to afford in retirement. View post
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This week, I have learned the importance of knowing your local trades people and the power of customer service (both great, and poor!). A householder’s tale of woe but with a happy ending, read on for details …
Feeling the heat
Feeling the heat
Phew, what a scorcher. I'm half Indian and am feeling it. Letting down my race terribly. Why can't it be a balmy 22 degrees or something though? Even getting out of bed in this weather requires monumental effort and a litre of water afterwards.
To celebrate Independent Bookseller's Week, Booka Bookshop - one of Shropshire's leading independent bookshops - are putting on an intriguing range of events for adults and children alike!
The sun is shining and it heralds the approach of summer and the season of Car Boot Sales. So, what IS the appeal and attraction of car boots? Why are they so popular? We'd love to hear from you with your views, opinions, stories and examples.
A great time was had by all - POTENTIAL MEMBERS got to find out more about thebestofdroitwich and mixed with MEMBERS who shared wins,successes and stories of how membership is working for them. The presentation prompted great creative marketing ideas.
An incredible schedule of live music and events for your entertainment at Sketchley Grange Hotel, Burbage, Hinckley. Read on for further details ....
New contract for Alden Electrical with Percussion Plus.
Home Security Blog, Be Safe be Secure with advice from JP CCTV Burglar Alarms Coventry. Remove the Opportunity - Prevent the Burglary
Hinckley Speech and Drama Studio's ex-student Lauren Samuels has made it through to the grand final but she needs all our support if she is to take the prize and play Dorothy - remember to vote on Saturday. Every vote counts, read on for further details ...
60 live gigs at 20 venues across Newark. Main Jazz box office is at Ann et Vin, Boar Lane, CD sales at Stray's
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