Well, Movember's over, I am moustache-less after 30 days of facial fuzziness. My top lip actually feels naked now. Once I got through the 'feeling like an idiot' self conscious phase (weeks 2 - 3, to be honest) I actually got to like the mo. It was all for a great cause at the end of the day - the Prostate Cancer Charity. Not a cheery fact, but every hour one guy dies in the UK from prostate cancer.
Shrewsbury Movember participants
I'm really grateful to these guys, the chaps who stepped up and took part rather than say they'd do it then mysteriously disappear to Outer Mongolia....
Giving to charities in Shrewsbury
Movember has already become a global charity and by next year I think most people will know why blokes are walking down Pride Hill in November looking like 70s throwbacks. There are a number of local charities in Shrewsbury of course, from Hope House to Severn Hospice. I wanted to focus on Movember because I realised that so many people I knew have been 'touched' by prostate cancer and no one seemed to know it's the 2nd biggest cancer killer in the UK after breast cancer.
Growing the mo started out in Australia three or four years back as a bit of a laugh to raise awareness. Then the guys who started it realised they could raise money as well. Collectively thebestof Shrewsbury team received around £700, so I am incredibly grateful to everyone who donated. From friends and family to clients and total strangers who saw Journalism & PR's piece about us in the Shropshire Star.
It ain't easy getting hairy
Movember made me see that charities are always personal and that just because you donate to someone's fundraiser doesn't mean they'll automatically cough up for yours. Plus we can't give to everyone either. I think a couple of people didn't donate to Shrewsbury Movember because growing a moustache is hardly difficult! It doesn't compare with swimming the Channel for charity or cycling across Yemen. Yet walking in the park with a 'tache is not exactly a, er, walk in the park, let me tell you.... How many Mexican jokes I had to put up with.... Teenagers pointing and laughing.... Having my wife go, "Uuurgh," every time I kissed her.... Not easy, I tell you :) So maybe next year I'll do the Channel thing!
Wrapping up, big love once more to those who supported the Movember charity in Shrewsbury. Fundraising and fun-raising at the same time... can't be bad.
My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...
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