Hope you had a good Easter and escaped any marauding hordes of teenagers looking for something exciting / possibly criminal to do. Town seems to be busying up again, which is great news, and a number of restaurants are appearing full. Has anyone tried to get a table at Loch Fyne at lunchtime? It's a struggle. Would love to get them on my site, so if anyone wants to recommend them please do so here!
thebestof Shrewsbury is delighted to welcome a couple more businesses onboard. Zen Communications is a family-run PR firm near Shrewsbury; owned by Felicity and Gareth Owen, they're looking to work with small to medium sized businesses in the areas of media relations, reputation management and copywriting. If you're a business owner in Shrewsbury, look out for Felicity as she'll be hitting the networking circuit imminently!
Also new to thebestof Shrewsbury is the Lasergraphics copy shop. Now there's a friendly place! Based just up from The Bellstone, Lasergraphics can take care of all your photocopying needs but also any short run printing. They have top deals on business cards, posters, flyers, wedding invites... you name it! And again Kara and Hayley are the epitomy of 'service with a smile'!
This month's Awards is for the Weddings sector. You can view the nominated businesses here. A lot of votes seem to be going towards a certain bridal shop in Shrewsbury but there's plenty of time left to cast your vote. It ain't over till the large lady sings, as the PC amongst us say.
See you soon!
My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...
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