Shrewsbury based language tutor discusses advantages of learning other languages
27th June 2013
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Shrewsbury based language tutor, Suzi Rixon discusses her joy of foreign language and asks Why learn a foreign language?

Suzi explains more…

My name is Suzi and I am a linguist......!

As languages are far from a harmful addiction, these are words which you will never hear me say with mortification. Nevertheless, I must own up to deriving inordinate pleasure from communicating, and especially in French, Spanish, Italian and German.

I come alive when I speak these languages, whether it is in one of the regular continental markets in the Square in Shrewsbury, buying technical machinery for an English company in Italy, interpreting at trade fairs, or (if only!) wallowing in glorious sunshine, with a cool glass of something delicious, on holiday in one of the relevant countries.

I adore teaching people of all ages – little children find it so easy to pick up the vocabulary, teenagers who struggle at school, become positively enthusiastic and glow with self-confidence, as they come to terms with the dreaded grammar, adults of all ages seem to appreciate the wit and repartee that go with a tailor-made lesson whether on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. Quite a few of my students are retired and they relish the knowledge that they are giving their brains a thorough “boot camp” workout at the same time as brushing up and advancing their existing range of “rusty” languages.

Finally, one of the main obstacles that British people find hard to overcome in terms of learning a foreign language is the innate fear of “making themselves look foolish”. Whether on business or on holiday, relationships flourish significantly if you make the effort to speak the national language. As well as working in foreign languages, another of my specialities is in building self-confidence and, if you take the time to read my testimonials on, I hope you will see that there is huge fun to be had with developing a competent grasp (at the very least) of whichever language appeals to you.

For more information please use the web lin k above or call 01939 210424.

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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

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