Gardening Trends for 2023
20th April 2023
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As the world does another loop around the sun, the new year is a time when we reflect on what we can do differently. 

 2023 is set to be a year that’s full of new and exciting trends that gardeners can easily get behind. Here are just some of the trends which you can expect to pop up over the remainder of the year to help your garden bloom.

Resilient Plants

As we saw in 2022, the UK’s summer months are now producing some of the hottest temperatures on record. With climate change at the forefront of our lives every day, your responsibility this year should be to find durable plants that can withstand even the hottest summers. With the country at times competing with Mediterranean temperatures, it’s time for us to adopt their planting techniques and start planting – Mediterranean style!

Gardening | Ornamental Cherry Tree

Whilst on the topic of climate change, it’s no secret that more plants can be one of the keys to a more predictable environment. However, with growing concerns over global warming, every stage of the planting process must be sustainable for us to see clear results. For example, manipulating nutrient-poor soil means you’ll be able to include a more diverse variety of plants and decrease the probability of any weeds or nettles growing in the process.

Design a Wildlife Habitat

Gardening isn’t solely about plants; it’s about looking after your own space and welcoming whatever and whoever decides to visit. Through thoughtful landscaping, you can turn your garden into an insect haven. Any materials you find in your garden that can be used as a shelter will be much appreciated by these animals, whilst also boosting your garden’s diversity. It’s a win: win!

Bluetit | Garden Wildlife
Post-Pandemic Gardens

The global pandemic saw a boom in green fingers across the globe as many turned to gardening to cope with the isolation blues. Whether new to gardening or an experienced gardener, finding a connection with the outdoors was instrumental in making up for the lack of social activity. Not to mention, gardening helped to keep our minds stimulated during the Spring/Summer 2020 lockdown. This year looks to be no different, as people continue doing what keeps their mental health up so this year, fill your garden with whatever makes you happy!

Your Phone As a Gardening Tool?

Your mobile is your gateway to the world, with infinite information available with a few taps of a screen. You can post your garden’s progress on social media, learn new techniques, order new equipment, and attend online courses to hone your skills. However, your phone is also a great gardening tool in itself, helping plan your jobs and tasks throughout the year, whilst also documenting the current state of your plants.


You don’t have to stay in your garden to keep gardening, despite what the word suggests. With temperatures rising each year, you can dial down the central heating and allow exotic plants such as Cymbidium to flourish from the comfort of inside your home. The air created from central heating is harmful to plants, so while we want to stop global warming, the warmer weather will make for a much more vibrant living room.

Plants at LovePlants
Outdoor Living Rooms

With all this warmer weather, its best to take full advantage of the increased sunshine and spend more time in the outdoors relaxing. Gardens aren’t just for work, you know! Take your indoor comfort to the outdoors and invest in some quality garden furniture, such as sofas, cushions, and tables. Of course, that glorious sunshine isn’t always going to show itself in the sky. Be prepared for downpours throughout the season and make sure your new furniture can withstand the typical British weather.

Explore Today

If you’re looking to add some colour to your gardens, LovePlants has you covered with a full range of plants available. Visit our website or pop into the garden centre to see our full breadth of products. Looking for something out of the norm? We’re experienced in sourcing beautiful and unique species to give your garden that extra special touch. Speak to our team when you visit the plant centre.

To find out more about Love Plants click here

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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

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