3 Ways to Tell if Your Website Is Overdue for an Update or Refresh
21st January 2021
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When you’re busy running your business, your website can sometimes take a back seat…. Yes, it is still live… but is it performing at its best? And is it bringing your business value? 

Over time, there are plenty of ways a website can slowdown, break or just stop performing at its best.

Especially if it isn’t looked after properly!

That is why it is important to regularly check it is performing how you expect it too! And if it isn’t… maybe it is time to consider a refresh!

Lucky for you, we have put together our top three tips to help you assess whether your website is still doing what you need it to.

1 – Is it running fast?

If you have an active website, where you are posting regular content, if that content isn’t properly managed and optimised, the data size of your website might become cumbersome and slow down your site performance.

You can easily check your website speed… just boot up your website, give it a hard-refresh and then start using it. Load up your pages, navigate back home. See if its speed is noticeably slow.

A fast modern website will have software installed to manage the strain of file sizes and paired with fast hosting and a solid content uploading plan, your website can continue to run at its fastest!

Another cause of slow running speeds is out of date software, that is why it is important to secure hosting services that keep your website healthy and up-to-date!


2 – How does it look?

This one might sound subjective… but it’s not!

Styles, features and design trends change over time. Updates to tools allow designers to do more with your website user experience while also keeping the site running fast and smooth.

If your biggest competitor has a sleek, modern and professional website that is easy for users to navigate, is your website going to compete? A professional looking website tells potential customers that your business is professional & trustworthy. So it is important to keep your website looking its best!

As time passes, things can also break and stop working entirely. Plugins, themes and links get updated and changed. Sometimes they break, get discontinued or removed…. Regularly checking that your website is 100% functional will ensure that your visitors get the best experience and will make them more likely to convert.


3 – How is your website performing in search?

SEO is an ongoing process!

How you rank in a Google search is directly impacted by what your competitors are doing.

Maybe your website ranked really well for your key search terms 2 years ago… but if your competitors have stepped up their SEO game, you may slip down the search results.

That’s why a robust SEO strategy is a crucial part of a modern website’s success!

If you want to check how well you are ranking for certain search terms, open up a private browser and then search in Google for terms that are important to your business. If you aren’t ranking where you need to be, it might be time to look at your SEO strategy.

And that is it, if you would like to discuss refreshing your website, we can help! Book a Discovery Call today and make sure that your website is bringing value to your business!

About the Author

Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...

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