You can be, do and have anything you want....
21st May 2010
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You can be, do and have anything you want as long as you want it enough and you’re prepared to work at it.

Quite a statement I know but let’s look a little closer. It really won’t work if you want to do something but you don’t back it up with ACTION. Say you decide you want to get fit or run a marathon, you can’t expect to get results immediatedly. In your early training days it’ll be a hard slog. I started running at the start of this year and was told that once you’ve run 30 times, you’ve develop a habit and it will be much easier –the habit becomes embedded in muscle memory. Well running is still tough for me but much easier 5 months on. And the great thing is that after 50 “runs” I can now call myself a runner even though I sometimes do get overtaken by walkers!

Why is this relevant to you? Well think about a business or a personal goal you’d like to achieve and make a firm commitment to start and then just plan to put in the leg work and slowly, week by week, you’ll get closer to achieving your goal.

This is my first blog on the Best of Ipswich site and like running it’s something new for me but over the coming months I’m determined to improve my writing skill muscles. (I’ve already committed to writing something every day, don’t worry, I won’t be posting every day) And over the coming months I want to write about business tools and tips that have helped me in my work and I’m sure will benefit you too.

Blogs are all about sharing so if something has helped you, please share - we’d love to hear from you.

Or perhaps you like to tell us what you want to achieve this year?

Elene Marsden


About the Author

Elene M

Member since: 31st January 2012

ACT! Swiftpage consultant and trainer, creator of betterACTnow online ACT! training videos. Mother of 3 handsome sons. Passionate about making connections.

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