Walsworth Community Centre Needs You
16th March 2017
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You may walk or drive past the Walsworth Community Centre, you may be a regular visitor or you may have only ever been in there to vote. Did you know that the centre has no paid staff and is run entirely by a small group of volunteers? That group of volunteers is getting older and the centre needs new help from the local community. The centre is entering a new and exciting phase in its history as it becomes independent of NHDC and so it's even more vital that local volunteers in the Walsworth area offer their support.

 The centre would love to hear from anyone who would be interested in getting involved. You might be able to give a few hours of your time every month to help with administration or you might be able to share more practical skills like electricians, plumbers and other tradespeople on an ad hoc basis. All offers of support – however small and even if that’s simply knowing they could contact you for your help when it’s needed - would be welcome.

The centre has acted as a core to the Walsworth community since 1852 and it would be great to see that continue for many more years to come - but the centre needs help to ensure that continuity.

So who do you know who could help? Is it you? Is there someone you know who would like to share their expertise and give a little something back to Walsworth?

If you'd like to find out more, please get in touch - they'd love to hear from you!

Email: walsworthcc@yahoo.com

Phone: Phil Kirk on 01462 635486 or 07941176479

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