The problem with potatoes
30th November 2014
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Boiled, mashed, jacket, fried, chips, crisps – oh there’s so many things you can do with a potato.  In the UK we consume around 94kg of potatoes per person each year.  Potatoes are fat free, a natural source of fibre and rich in vitamin C, B6 and potassium.  Despite that it’s one of the key food items I recommend my clients avoid.

So what exactly is the problem with potatoes?

Potatoes are a starchy carbohydrate and what that means is your body digests them rapidly.  This results in a surge in your insulin levels quickly followed by a blood sugar crash.  You’re left feeling tired, lethargic and pretty soon you’re hungry again. 

Other foods in this category include white rice, white pasta and white bread.  If you eat a lot of these starchy carbohydrates your body will store fat predominantly on the back of your arms, your back and around your waist.  If you’re struggling to shift weight from those areas you probably have an insulin imbalance.  Longer term you’re putting yourself at risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The good news is that for most of you an insulin imbalance can easily be corrected by what you eat:

  • Replace all those ‘white’ starchy carbohydrates with wholegrains.
  • Try jacket sweet potatoes, parsnip chips or carrot & suede mash.
  • Top your shepherds pie with celeriac and a cheeky sprinkling of cheese.

The way in which you exercise will also have an impact on your hormone levels. 

If you can’t bear the thought of giving up white potatoes just reduce the amount you eat.  I promise you’ll soon notice a difference not just around your middle but in your energy levels too.

If you’re concerned your insulin levels are out of balance why not book a complimentary weight loss consultation.  There are a limited number of slots available each month and you’ll receive some tips straight away on what you can do to take control of your hormones, your weight and your body shape. 

About the Author

Julie Dennis

Member since: 13th February 2014

Hello there, my name's Julie Dennis and I'm a fitness coach specialising in weight loss and body transformation results.

After 20 years behind a desk in London employed in a variety of roles in the management...

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