Scores on the Doors
17th July 2009
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So has the 'scores on the doors' ratings put anyone off going into those food outlets that got low or no stars?  I think it is a good idea to have a standard that is consistent and applied to everyone, unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a public document that can tell you what the criteria is and what you can get marked down for.  I went onto the website to have a look at the ratings and was surprised at some of them.  Some establishments that we eat at regularly scored really low and yet we love the food and the restaurants, and others that we don't rate very good ourselves scored really highly.

So I guess it's all down to individuals perceptions and taste and experiences that they have had in the past.  We are all quick to say something bad about service but how often do we praise what is good?  That's why we encourage all of our members to ask their customers for testimonials and why we work with businesses that have been recommended by others. 

We have heard someone say that they weren't going to go into the restaurant again because they had only achieved a 2 star rating even though they had been going regularly for 2 years and never complained before.  And i've also heard someone saying that another restaurant who achieved a no star rating was the best restaurant and he would never stop going there as he loves it!  So whilst I do believe that standards of health and food hygiene are extremely important, I also believe that at the end of the day, people will go to those restaurants they love.  What do you think?  Has the 'scores on the doors' made a difference to where you go to eat?

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