Local film features local people and businesses
18th December 2011
... Comments

The entertaining new Hitchin film 'Mocha do about Nothing' tells the tale of a group of people with little to link their lives except the goings-on at a coffee shop. Nearly 'Friends', but in a much more British, leafy-suburb way.

Written by Tracy Hunt, the script deserves an outing with some serious money behind it. Probably more Channel 4 than BBC, but definitely deserving of wider viewing.

There was little wrong with the acting - some of it really excellent. Difficult as it is to single out any individuals in an ensemble like this, Fay Worboys' blonde moments and Zara Schafer's 'bored girlfriend' moments were worth a chuckle.

If there's one scene to single out, it would have to be Kaffe Keating-Jungreuthmayer's 'Officer and a Gentleman' recreation. Truly a dream for a woman of a certain age.

This really is a team effort, though, with clearly a lot of effort and time put in by cast and crew. Without the help of lots of local businesses, the film would not have been made. Halsey's in particular gave up their premises for the main scenes and if it was always as hilarious as this, I'd be there all the time. Not for the Chocca Mocha, though!

If you missed the first screening of the film at the Queen Mother Theatre on 9 December, you'll have another chance to see it in the summer as part of Hitchin Festival. It's definitely one to catch if you can.

Names you may recognise in the cast:

Stwart Thomas, Fay Worboys, Vivien Kerr, Doug Brooker, Zara Schafer, Charles Compton, Gareth Martin, Kaffe Keating-Jungreuthmayer, Zoe Watkins, Keith Swainston, Ken Torbett, Julian Newman Turner, Alison Hancock and Vincenzo Spatafora.

About the Author

Hilary R

Member since: 31st May 2012

Writer and sax player. Brought up in Hitchin and - apart from uni and some ensuing madness of life in London - I've always lived here.

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