Dragons Den Comes to Hitchin School
19th October 2011
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Whitehill Junior School created their own ‘Dragons Den’ inspired project with the help of local Letchworth based businessn ‘Ogle Models and Prototypes’. The link was initiated to provide children with the ultimate prize of getting their own invention made by a professional company.

Children used their school as a basis for identifying solvable problems and designed an invention to meet that need. They conducted market research which involved interviewing pupils as well as staff, researching current products on the market as well as conducting a visit to Ogle itself to get professional advice on materials, costs and ideas.

Each group of inventors then prepared their own pitch to try and convince the dragons to select their invention for the coveted prize! The dragons, consisting of class teachers, and of course the Head Teacher, were incredibly impressed with the level of enthusiasm and the quality of the inventions and pitches.

The winning team ‘Clean Organised You’ designed an invention called
‘Compar-draw-pop’ to solve the problem of children overstuffing their desk drawers and them inevitably becoming either stuck or so messy that you can never find what you’re looking for!

The Compar-draw-pop solves that problem by dividing the drawer into several labelled compartments which helps children keep their draw neat and tidy, therefore being able to locate their items at a moments notice!

Miss Dempster and Miss Yexley were the class teachers who led the Dragons Den project for the year four children

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