Town will remain open for business
26th May 2015
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The district councillor for Clare has said the town will remain open for business this summer despite  disruption from a gas works upgrade.

Cllr Alaric Pugh, who is also St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Growth, is urging residents and businesses to attend a public meeting at Clare Town Hall at 7pm next Tuesday (2).

“I understand that this is essential work that is due to be carried out by National Grid from mid July, however seven weeks of disruption is not going to be easy on any of us.

“I also understand that the reasons for the long official diversion route are because Cavendish Road is classed as a main A road into the town. We must, however, be realistic – many residents and visitors will already be planning their own shorter routes into and out of the town. I will be working with Suffolk County Councillor for Clare Mary Evans, to ensure the town remains accessible and the disruption is minimised as far as it can be.

“Above all else Clare will be open for business and I for one will be pressing this point at the meeting next Tuesday.”

Cllr Peter Stevens, St Edmundsbury Borough Councillor for Cavendish is also calling for residents to attend next week’s meeting.

“We know that these works by National Grid will have a knock-on effect on traffic not just in Clare itself but the local villages in the Cavendish ward. There are concerns that these narrow country roads could become clogged up and dangerous to unfamiliar drivers – and these are concerns that I want addressed,” he said.

National Grid has announced that it is renewing nearly half a kilometre of iron gas mains in Cavendish Road, from the junction with Church Street to the junction with Harp Lane. The work is expected to start in mid July and last up to seven weeks with the majority of the work taking place during the school summer holidays.

Cavendish Road will be closed from Church Street to Harp Lane while the work is being carried out. The following diversion route will be in place: A1092 towards Long Melford, A134 towards Bury St Edmunds, A1302, A143 towards Haverhill, A1017, and then the A1092 towards Clare.

Pedestrian access to Cavendish Road will be maintained. Work will also take place in Church Lane for three weeks during August. Traffic management measures are to be confirmed with Suffolk County Council but are likely to include temporary traffic lights.

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Elaine C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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