The FSB in Suffolk, Norfolk, Kent, Essex and East Sussex has collaborated with the five counties' local authories to bid for up to £5 million from the Regional Growth Fund.
If the bid is successful, this money will go towards supporting small businesses in the counties who are considering creating new apprenticeship positions.
The proposed scheme would offer eligible businesses a subsidy of £2,500 per apprentice, which is the equivalent of six months' salary at the basic apprenticeship pay grade.
The project is to be implemented across all business sectors, and in certain circumstances, existing employees who require new skills in order to help the business grow further may also be eligible to take part in the scheme.
Please click here for more information about the types of apprenticeships available.
Can you help?
As part of the bid process, the FSB needs to estimate the amount of apprenticeships that may be created in the region. Therefore, it needs local businesses' help to gauge this number.
If you can spare just 10 minutes to complete the FSB's online survey, it will be able to gather the data it needs to submit the bid.
Please click here to take part in the survey.
The completed bid with the required survey results has to be with the Government by Friday July 2st 2011, so please click on the survey link TODAY in order to allow the FSB enough time to analyse and process all data.
Please note that by completing the survey, you are not committed to taking on an apprentice. However, you will enjoy priority processing of your application if the bid is successful and the scheme goes ahead.
Do you have questions? Please email Keith Brown from the FSB and he will do his utmost to answer any queries you may have.
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