Local Citizens' Advice Bureaux will join together to secure their service
12th April 2011
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Plans are afoot to merge Haverhill Citizens' Advice Bureau with others in the county to protect the service from cuts.


Funding has been agreed to secure the bureau services from April until September on the condition they move towards a merger of their services with other local bureaux.


Talks are already in progress to join the services of Haverhill, Bury St Edmunds and Brandon and Mildenhall Citizens' Advice Bureaux.


The bureaux, like many across the country, are facing funding cuts. By merging the neighbouring branches into one single bureau, they hope to maintain the level of service they provide to the public despite the cuts.


Haverhill Citizens' Advice Bureau has found a dramatic rise over the past two years in the number of people accessing its services, a rise thought to be due to the recession.

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