Kedington Community Association
8th January 2015
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The Association purchased the land known as The Great Meadow in the 1960s and has had a Community Centre since the early 1970s. It exists to promote social, educational, sporting and leisure activities which will cater for the many tastes and interests of those who live off our community. 

The challende for Kedington Community Association is to meet those needs which change over time in an affordable and sustainable way. Being a Registered Charity we receive no direct subsidy or funding from any statutory body and rely primarily on hirings and fundraising although we do recieve grants/ donations for particular projects from time to time. The main fundraising is our annual Meadlowlark Show in June but other events e.g. Bobstock, Bingo, Community Centre Cafe etc also provide much needed money. 

Maintaining the building and the grounds is very expensive and improvements are costly. We are fortunate to have a great team of volunteers to help keep the place shipshape and managing and enhancing the natural beauty of the area and which we know people enjoy and appreciate. 

We have recently made some improvements and upgrades to encourage and maximise our potential to hires and added additional activities e.g. Film Club. In the medium to long term we need to develop and encourage other activities and possibly extend the facilities and services for our expanding population. Of course we need to ensure our funding continues to come in and focus our energies in that direction. The village Lotto is a prime example of how many can help fund raise. 

Our overall aim is to improve the quality of life of everyone in Kedington by stimulating an active and vibrant community in which people aspire to live, work and play. It is this vision that we hope everyone will want to share and assist us achieve our goals. 

Steve Brown, Chairman, Ketton Review. 

About the Author

Elaine C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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