Home or Office, if you need a jolly good Spring clean, Vulchem Hygiene Supplies of Haverhill has everything you need
27th February 2013
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Cleanliness is next to Godliness, apparently.  Whether that be true or not, hygiene is an important element in maintaining a healthy home and workspace.  It's not just hospitals that can be vulnerable to viruses; any workplace of any size can fall victim to the likes of bird flu, swine flu or just plain old, normal flu.  The impression given by a grubby, dusty work environment is never a good one, and you will never get the best out of your workforce if you're expecting them to perform in a cluttered, neglected space.

The same goes for your home.  As the residue of months of bad weather works its way inside, courtesy of muddy boots and wet dogs, and germs thrive on a breeding ground cosseted by central heating and firmly closed windows, you may find both your house and your health suffering.  

So as the days lengthen and the temperature creeps up, just a little, it's time to throw open those windows and freshen up your surroundings with a good old fashioned Spring clean.  However, if that idea fills you with dread, you can hand over the reins to Vulchem Hygiene Supplies in Haverhill.

If you are simply looking for an unrivalled range of professional, environmentally friendly cleaning products for your home or need a total contract cleaning service for your business, Vulchem Hygiene Supplies has the answer.

A family run, Haverhill based business, their success is built on high levels of customer care, competitive prices and an ongoing commitment to all their clients, large or small.  Their extensive product and service range mean that as a business you know you can get all your hygiene, janitorial and health and safety requirements from a single provider, who not just supply but offer a reliable delivery service, ensuring no interruption in your day-to-day life or business operations.

Working both inside and out, services include contract cleaning, washroom servicing, medical and clinical waste management, cleaning and hygiene supplies, pest control and drain maintenance.

Happily we are all now aware of our own impact on the environment  - our 'carbon footprint' - and Vulchem Hygiene Supplies is committed to supporting a greener home and work environment, providing a full range of Low Impact products. From environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals to recycled paper; bio-degradable sacks to 100 % recyclable air fresheners; you can rest assured that with Vulchem Hygiene Supplies, your conscience will be as clear as your home is sparkling!

De-clutter your home 

And whilst you're giving your home or business a new lease of life, it's probably a good time for a thorough de-clutter.  If your house is full to bursting with paperwork, clothes, knick-knacks and outdated, unused possessions, it's almost impossible to relax and enjoy your living space.

De-cluttering is a major home improvement (why do you think the experts ALWAYS tell you to de-clutter when you're preparing your house for sale?) yet it costs nothing but a little time.

De-cluttering shouldn’t mean chucking everything out. You can re-cycle almost anything. Take unwanted goods to a charity shop or ask for them to be collected if they’re large furniture items.

Don’t just shift clutter around and clear one room by moving it all to the next; do it methodically room by room, and don’t move on until you’ve finished. Approach each room with the idea that if it's not used, or dearly loved, get rid of it.

Start from the top.  Once you've got your main living areas looking pristine, it's too tempting to just close the bedroom doors!  Be ruthless with the wardrobes - apart from designated holiday clothes, if you've not worn it for six months, chuck it out.  If you think you can't bear to, then wear it next time you go out - if you can't agree to do that then it either doesn't fit or is totally out of date.  Painful as it might be, no matter how much something cost, if you're not going to wear it again it needs to go. Do you NEED three dressing gowns? 

Bath salts?  Does anybody ever use them?  Is three year old sun cream going to be effective this year? (no!)  Will your skin ever be dry enough to justify the use of lavender scented body lotion?  There's massive satisfaction to be had clearing out the bathroom!  And while you're at it, those guest towels, saved for best while you make do with fraying, scratchy mismatched ones - think about what you're doing there…how many times a year do you actually have guests?  Use the good towels and bin the old tatty ones - you bought them so surely you deserve to use them!

Kitchen cupboards are a major headache in most households.  How many times have you opened a door for the contents to spill out all over the floor as you reach into the darkest depths looking for a baking tray that has not succumbed to rust spots?  How long is it since you used that fondue set? Do you really need the pyrex casserole lids that don't actually fit any of the dishes?  And should you actually be keeping the baking trays that HAVE succumbed to rust spots?

Now let's move on to those drawers, stuffed with guarantees, old bills, junk mail and household documents.  Invest in a concertina file, or a filing cabinet if you have a lot of important stuff, and have a good old sort and clear out.  Switch to online banking and invoices.  For every new pizza menu that drops through the letterbox, throw out the old one. Just be careful not to throw away original copies of share certificates, wedding and birth certificates and wills.

Finally tackle the garage or shed, old dried out paint tins, odd wellington boots, the video collection (do you still have a video player? No? Well then, bin them) half a dozen obsolete phone chargers, pan lids, a broken tennis racquet, an unused foot spa...ok, now I'm just going through the contents of my garage and I'm a bit embarrassed, but you get the picture.

And when you've cleaned, polished, shined and de-cluttered, before you sit back and enjoy your revitalised surroundings, put all that junk in the back of the car and head off to Haverhill's Household Waste Tip at Coupals Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7UR.  For more details go to our Local Information pages.

The local Council will also arrange to collect bulky items such as fridges and furniture, or hazardous waste such as paint etc.  The will also collect commercial waste from businesses.  For more information go to http://www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling 


About the Author

Amelia C

Member since: 6th November 2012

I am a long-term resident of Haverhill and love sharing information and advice on the best places to visit, businesses to contact and people to speak to!

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