Haverhill Running Club's Beginner Course
9th May 2011
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Haverhill Running Club’s beginner course

Have you always wanted to run? Ever done a gruelling jog and then sworn off all exercise? Well, Haverhill Running Club has solved the problem! 

YOU can learn to run with this summer’s beginners running course. The course will be 10 weeks long, and aims to introduce people to running in a way that is safe and enjoyable. At first you start off with gentle walks and jogs, slowly building up in order to complete a 5k run.

The course has been funded by West Suffolk Local Strategic Partnership and has been put together by coaches at England Athletics. The coaches will also give out advice on the best running gear such as footwear and clothing and teach you about stretching properly to ensure you stay injury free.

The course starts on Thursday 19th May at 7pm, with members to meet outside Haverhill Leisure Centre before heading out onto the pavements for the first training session.  

At the end of the 10 week course, participants will have the choice to take part in a 3 mile challenge event at East Town Park, and then can decide whether they want to continue running with the club at no extra cost.

The course costs £40 and includes a technical running top, drinks bottle and membership to Run England and Haverhill Running Club.

Are you interested? For more information call Kim Gregory 07535183536 or email her on kim@screensatwork.co.uk

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