Having been chosen by the Government as one of only 12 areas in the UK to pilot this scheme, the people of Haverhill are in the fortunate position of having a platform from which they can make their voices heard on the issues that affect them and their local communities.
This will be the third Public Forum event that ONE Haverhill has held. The last, held in April was themed around health services and prompted more than 100 residents to go along and give their views, but residents are encouraged to voice their concerns about anything from anti social behaviour to pot holes. You can tell us how your neighbourhood can be improved and the issues that affect or concern you.
Hear more about how you can have a greater say on how public money is spent in Haverhill. Representatives from a range of Pubic Services will be in attendance to listen and take away actions from the meeting. Members of the board include all three tiers of local government, the business sector, education, police, health, the voluntary sector, Havebury Housing, Abbeycroft Leisure and the faith community with one aim - improving the quality of life for people in Haverhill.
ONE Haverhill aims to provide a public forum for local people to express their views, remove barriers to groups and organisations working together in the town, and promote Haverhill as a good place to live and work.
The event will take place at Samuel Ward Academy, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill on the 22nd October from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and anyone who lives, works or is interested in contributing their views on Haverhill is invited.
Launched in September the ONE Haverhill website allows members of the public to find out more about the organisation and its work on the community budget. Visitors to the website can find minutes of previous board meetings, apply for community grants, view news and events.You can also contact them with your views via the website.
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