Organising a funeral for someone who has passed away is never easy - having to think about the little details seems last on the list of things you want to do. However, Blooming Lovely has an incredible service that takes off the pressure of a difficult day and ensures the day runs smoothly.
Flowers are a special way to say goodbye to someone you have loved and lost - and usually flowers are the only decoration to mark the occasion. Blooming Lovely use traditional and seasonal flowers, arranging the flowers into a beautiful casket spread. The shop stocks a variety of English flowers such as larksur, stocks and poeonies.
Amanda Stafford, owner of Blooming Lovely, makes sure that the flowers are taken to the undertakers before the funeral, a service she provides free of charge, to help make the day a little less stressful.
Amanda comments: “We want to help our customers as much as possible during a difficult time, we liaise with the undertakers to make sure all the little details are in place. We do home visits too for our customers who struggle to make it into our shop, you just have to book an appointment.”
So if you are planning to use flowers to celebrate the memory of someone you have loved and lost, make your way to Blooming Lovely, in Gurteens Yard just off the High Street, where Amanda and her team can provide a very special service or call 01440 869173.
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