So you are beginning to get a little bit worried that this Christmas shopping will be left to a desperate, panicky rush on Christmas Eve again... You haven’t even started to get organised and you really wanted this year to be the one where you get it just right for your family and friends.
Luckily for you, Travel Counsellors’ Jennifer Bradnam in Haverhill can help you sort everything out in one phone call... yes, EVERYTHING!
With Jennifer’s help, all your gifts will be original, thoughtful, memorable (for all the right reasons) and she can give you all this with amazing money saving offers.
Don’t you know someone who would prefer a pampering Spa Day to a bottle of bubble bath; someone who deserves a trip to the London Eye rather than just to Santa’s Grotto; someone who would love Supercar Blast rather than an electric drill for Christmas this year?
One call to Jennifer on 0845 058 7976 and she will make you look like the most thoughtful, caring and generous gift giver this year. Pick from the treats below or call for more!
It might even be that if someone else is having trouble finding that perfect gift for you, you should drop Jennifer’s name into conversation!
Check out Jennifer’s Travel Counsellors feature on thebestof Haverhill for more information about these and other deals for Christmas and throughout the year.
*Please do check for T&C
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