‘Every little helps’ as five Tesco Haverhill employees prepare to leap for the Hospice
2nd February 2011
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It is traditionally a time of year lovers express their feelings for one another through sending cards and exchanging gifts, but five employees at Tesco, in Haverhill, are doing something different this year and taking part in St Nicholas Hospice Care’s adrenalin-pumping bungee jump.

On 13 February, the Valentine’s Fling sponsored bungee jump is taking place at Highbury Barns, in Great Cornard, near Sudbury, and the Tesco dream team will be there.

The five brave participants, who all work in different areas of the store, are Liam Blaydon, Jack Wilkinson, Lawrence Allen, Dan Patten and Claire Bowden, who is the store’s Community Champion.

Claire said: “The idea for us to get involved came from Jack originally, as he had already signed himself up and then suggested a few more of us join him.  I couldn’t really say no, as I’m always up for supporting the Hospice and I love a challenge."

Liam also cited supporting the charity as one of the reasons for getting involved but also that doing a bungee was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity'.

"I can’t wait," he added.

Jack said: “I’m really looking forward to taking the plunge though I’m naturally starting to feel a little apprehensive. But I guess that’s all part of the fun."

Bungee jumping involves jumping from a tall structure – in this case a specially-erected 160ft crane – while connected to a large elastic cord. When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord snaps back.

Registration is still open, though time is running out. It costs £20 per person, with teams and individuals welcome. Each jumper will be allocated a time slot and sent sponsorship forms. Fundraisers must raise £100, while all those who raise £125 or more will receive a special commemorative T-shirt and the top fundraiser will win a prize.

To sign up or for more information, contact 01284 715583, email fundraising@stnh.org.uk or register online at www.stnh.org.uk


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