Current timetables for your local On Track and Cartwheels Children's Centres.
17th December 2010
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Suffolk's Sure Start Children's Centres provide a wide range of fun, free activities for under 5s.


The Best of Haverhill has all the information you need about what’s on at the On Track and Cartwheels Children’s Centres in Haverhill.



10-11.30am Rhymetime, a song based session for 0-5’s at On Track.

10-11.30am Tots Time, a drop-in play session for 0-5’s at Cartwheels.

10.30-12noon Breastfeeding Group, at Cartwheels.

1.30-3pm (alternate Mondays) Daffodil Group, for adoptive/foster parents and children at Cartwheels.

1.30-3pm (alternate Mondays) Twice as Nice, multiple births drop-in session at Cartwheels.

1-2.30pm Bouncing Beans, fun physical activities at On Track.



9.30-11.30am Childminder Drop-in, at Cartwheels.

9.30-11.30 Stay & Play, at Wickhambrook Memorial Hall.

1.30-3pm Little Stars Opportunity Group, for children with additional needs at Cartwheels.

2-3pm Busy Feet, music & movement for 1-5 year olds at Leiston Community Centre.



9.30-11am (term-time) Talking Tots, for 2-5 year olds at On Track.

10-11am Sing along a Story, fun time story session at Cartwheels.

9.30-11am Little Angels, Breakfast club for children 0-5 years and their parents 20-30 years at Cartwheels.

1.30-3pm Mini Makers, messy play for 0-18 months at Cartwheels.

2-3.30pm Crafty Capers, creative play for 18 months–5 years at On Track.

2-4pm Family Support Drop-in with Health Visitor at Cartwheels.



1-3pm Stay & Play at Clare Primary School.

1.30-3pm Sensational Babies, for babies 0 to walking at On Track & Cartwheels.



9.30-11.30 Little Explorers, for 1 – 2 year olds at On Track.

10-12noon Young Parent’s Group, a support group for parents up to 20 years of age at Burton Centre, Camps Road.



10-11.30am (last Saturday of the month) Dad’s Group at Cartwheels.


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