Over forty local business people joined The Best of Haverhill for their October event held at The Days Inn Haverhill recently.
Guest speaker, John Shaw, Partnership Director Suffolk for EEIDB Ltd the deliverer of Business Link in the East, presented an overview of the continuing support that the organisation can still deliver for local businesses.
John has been with Business Link for fifteen years and was part of the team that drafted the initial Business Plan for a Business Link in Suffolk back in 1995. John explained how over that time period Business Link has been different things at different times but has always remained the government’s vehicle for delivering business support.
EEIDB won three tenders earlier year to provide support and advisory services. The first was the Business Link Integrated Brokerage Services which is delivered on behalf of the East of England Development Agency (EEDA). This contract covers a range of support from the Business Link Gateway, events, seminars and workshops to on line tools and services and business start up support services.
Secondly International Trade Services, designed to stimulate foreign export activity in the region and open up global markets, are promoted through Business Link and executed through the UKTI. These services help businesses who are new to exporting. For experienced exporters there is the Gateway to Global Growth programme.
The third tender won by EEIDB, also delivered on behalf of EEDA, is the Inward Investment Service which has the clear objectives of driving up the number of inward foreign investment enquiries into the region and integrating inward investment with mainstream business support services as part of investor development.
John comments, “I hope the local businesses who attended The Best of Haverhill event will have come away with a greater understanding of the diversity of support and advisory services that Business Link East is able to offer. Regardless of the stage a company is at – whether a start up or an established organisation looking to develop your skills or break into international markets - we can help. The overriding message that I wanted impart is that Business Link East is very much ‘open for business as usual’ so please take the opportunity to use our services.”
Elaine Carr, owner of The Best of Haverhill comments, “I was delighted that Business Link was able to support our latest event. In these challenging economic times it is essential that small enterprises take full advantage of all the resources that are available to them. The majority of the support and advice offered through Business Link is free and it is very easy to access.
If you want your business to grow and thrive then investing in your learning and knowledge is critical. It might be an overused adage but - if you always do what you’ve always done you will get what you’ve always got! As business owners it is our responsibility to invest in our personal training and development, Business Link can help.”
If you would like to find out more about Business Link please visit their website
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