Boxing courses help young adults fight anxiety
15th September 2015
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Three programmes using boxing techniques to help young people in West Suffolk with depression and anxiety have opened for recruitment.â¨

Stand Tall is a 12-week physical activity course delivered by Abbeycroft Leisure aimed at 14-25 year olds suffering from mental health concerns such as depression or anxiety who are currently undertaking less than 30 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. The programme is being delivered at Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre and Haverhill Leisure Centre and starts week beginning 28th September.

Participants take part in weekly sessions based on boxing techniques which aim to support them with behaviour change, health improvements and increases in activity levels.

Matt Hickey, Abbeycroft Leisure’s Health, Fitness & Physical Activity Development Manager, said: “Experts have long believed that exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. We also know that regular exercise can also boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better. We are taking this belief and putting it into practice in the community.

“With this project we needed to be a little different and engage with the audience in another way; we felt boxing was a great alternative.”

The Stand Tall Project is part of the 'Suffolk Get Healthy Get into Sport' programme which, led by Suffolk County Council, aims to help increase physical activity levels in the county and contribute to Suffolk's ambition of becoming the most active county in England. It is funded by Sport England.

Further details can be found HERE.

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Elaine C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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