As the team at Aerocycles will explain, the dynamic between bike and rider is fundamental to the enjoyment of the sport, whether you are riding competitively or purely for pleasure.
Being a cyclist is about more than just the bike–it's about creating perfect synergy between rider and machine. Traditional methods of bicycle fitting focus on adjusting a bike into a perceived optimal position for 'performance'. The rider is then contorted to meet the confines of that position. In other words, a bike should look like this–now make the rider fit the bike.
Aerocycles' BikeFit service is based on the Trek programme, which looks at bicycle/rider interface in a completely different way. The main focus of Trek Fitting Services is that the individual variables of anatomy, flexibility and riding style should define a rider's position, and the bike should be set up to conform to each rider's optimal position.
Steve Foster, owner of Aerocycles in Haverhill explained,“Until I went on the course at Trek Bicycles, I never realised that such minute adjustments could make such a difference to your riding experience in terms of comfort and performance. It's surprising how many people are riding around with their bikes set up incorrectly, which can cause lots of back, neck and knee problems.”
Are you thinking of taking up cycling? Perhaps you're a keen cyclist and want to take it to the next level? Contact Aerocycles today for more information about their BikeFit service.
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