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Business News & Updates

🌎You see, there are more phones in the world than people… …and every single one of them has SMS (text messaging service) enabled.
For years there’s been an issue sabotaging businesses up and down the country, and it was brought to light by a colleague of ours recently.
Consumers have never been as cynical and as sceptical as they are today.
A multimedia & interactive workshop to build your #speakperformance skills when delivering online / recording for social media etc, so aimed at those who are presenting online for business and recognise they need to up their performance.
Soon we'll be able to meet and network with potential customers and business contacts is also just around the corner. So, it’s important that you’re all set for when you strike up those great conversations - you'll need to be remembered in the right ways.
⚡ NEWSFLASH! People don’t like being sold to, they want to be helped and understood – especially now.
Want to learn the fundamental tips of speaking in public – pick up a copy of Ges Ray’s new book or tune in on Audible
We have spoken about the importance of not only answering calls, but also the importance of getting back to enquiries quickly. ⏲️ Well, there is now a tool that can help you master getter back to people quickly with very little effort required to implement it .
Google my business - be aware that just because you have a listing, doesn’t mean it’s “job done”.
If customers find it hard to understand the point you’re trying to make or the message you’re wanting to get across, it’s really easy for them to move on to someone else.
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