thebestof Eastbourne

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David organised a fantastic Buy Local Expo this week. Everything was meticulously considered and organised well. Sadly David could not control the foul weather, but the event was a success nonetheless. The businesses and visitors that attended were a testament to his efforts, and I have heard loads of people say they want the event back next year. Good Job!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Mina, it was a great event all things considered and with any luck the next one will have weather to suit!
I can highly recommend David Ruddle and the Best of Eastbourne. He is a very kind, clever and approachable man with a real passion for our local community and I am looking forward to working with him further. Thank you so much for all your help today and for your big heart in not charging us. Warm regards from all of us at Embrace East Sussex.

Reply from David Ruddle:
It is a pleasure to help, I hope your request for support on your Aviva bid will pay off. There is no cost to charities, community groups or sports teams as I want to support people just like you doing amazing things locally without there being a cost burden to you. I receive no government funding at all. Without the memberships we have from local businesses we help with their marketing I would not be able to support anything the way I do.
David is always there, night or day to offer advice, and his level of enthusiasm is infinite for your business needs! I have been attending his marketing meetings and have found them to be hugely helpful in areas I am less confident, as well as providing me with (very much needed) social media skills, and hints and tips to help it to work more productively for our company. Thank you David :)

Reply from David Ruddle:
You are welcome, I know I sometimes overwhelm you with ideas but so pleased to see you being able to take on board new ideas. You and the team are a pleasure to help with your business and social media marketing.
David has helped my business immensely in the last year of being a part of The BestOf. From Social media advice, to blog content ideas and strategy for reaching more customers. David understands my business and how I want to appeal to customers, new and existing.. I highly recommend speaking to David to see how he can help you and your business.
Great service I have received, David has recommended some great companies which we have used from our New Telephone system to having a new Fence put up in the garden, every question I have thrown at David he has come back with an excellent answer, well done and thank you for your hard work you do at the best of Eastbourne!

Reply from David Ruddle:
So pleased you got the level of service you did. I am proud to work with all my business members and know they aim to offer the best they can.
Having just been on the phone with David Ruddle all I can say is that it has been the most productive hour I have spent this week. His enthusiasm and marketing know-how has left me completely energised and I will be implementing some of his ideas without delay. He is an absolute credit and I recommend that any good quality business in and around Eastbourne contact David without delay. Thanks David

Reply from David Ruddle:
A pleasure to have been of service. I hope it goes well and when I have a master class in place I shall let you know.
Thank you for your expert knowledge in your field. Social media for us as a company was a very daunting part of advertising, however since we have been a member of thebestof Eastbourne you have helped us grow and gain some essential knowledge and for us more importantly a greater confidence to go forward and meet the market head on. Once again thank you and we look forward to even more help in the future. I promise to take time to sit and write a long, well deserved testimonial for you as I have never meet anyone with more enthusiasm for their work and the knowledge to match it. Keep up the great work and I wish much success for the future!

Reply from David Ruddle:
You are most welcome Noel, watching as your business has grown had been great even better knowing that my help via thebestof had been worth while :) I am very much looking forward to a continued long and beneficial marketing partnership.
Hi David, thanks for your helping with your invaluable local network! The Pestalozzi students will be thankful as well for the publicity and the money that will be raised at the Pestalozzi Charity Football Tournament in Herstmonceux on 9th May, 2015.

Reply from David Ruddle:
I am always happy to use my local contacts to help get things done :)
Having been free range for at least 15 years I thought I was business savvy but my session with you Dave going through the Business MOT was excellent. Reminded me of things I had forgotten I should be doing and gave me a couple of valuable new pointers. Thank you very much. Well worth while.

Reply from David Ruddle:
You are welcome Michaele, the Business MOT's are proving to be very popular and helping business owners identify things that they could be doing to help grow their business. Just another one of the ways thebestof Eastbourne gets to shows its dedication to helping local businesses in Eastbourne.
Hi David, thanks for my business MOT this morning. It was extremely useful and has given me some new marketing ideas to take my business forward this year. I would definitely recommend other business owners to spend some time with David, it is well worth it!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Today was great, I could have spent hours talking about all the possibilities and I hope to get the chance to work with you in the future. Good luck with the ideas we came up with today :)
As a local, recently published poet I was offered this excellent community slot to promote my books and thus the charity, Help for Heroes that I donate to from my book sales as well as supporting. David was extremely helpful and patient in helping and advising me how best to present my page, so I would consider it "a must" for businesses to use. The actual process was quite simple with David helping me promptly along the way so I am very pleased with the result thanks!

Reply from David Ruddle:
I am pleased I was able to help, I am also looking forward to getting more authors to join our community and add their stories via our blog.
Since joining the Best of Eastbourne in July 2014, we’ve found David’s enthusiasm towards supporting local companies and buying from local firms a breath of fresh air. In fact it’s the very reason why we decided to join the Best of Eastbourne in the first place! David has been a wonderful help with regards to opening our eyes to the world of social media and he is at the hub of the local business community. As a result you can count on David being to help embed yourself within the local business community. As a group, the Best of Eastbourne is pro-active and has many great members and long may it continue. We whole heartedly recommend David Ruddle and the Best of Eastbourne if you wish to grow your local business/product and be part of something bigger!

Reply from David Ruddle:
It has been great working with One Answer Insurance. All the staff I have had dealings with have been so helpful in particular Brooke which makes recommending you even easier.
A very informative marketing workshop, a lot covered in quite a short space of time. Excellent as ever!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you James, trying to fit all the possibilities of digital marketing into a 2 hour workshop is a challenge. I look forward to the next which will be more focused on the points as per the feedback request.
Dave is always helpful and ready to chat about all manner of things with a marketing theme! It's great that Eastbourne has such a friendly and well connected person on the case for thebestof.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Jenni, I am pleased to be able to help so many people not only my business members but the wider community also.
Thank you David! You were very generous with your time today. Helping with SEO tips and tricks to increase the visibility of my business on Google through content and with my YouTube channel.

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
You are welcome Sarah. I hope the suggestions will be easy enough to adopt into your marketing plan :) let me know if you need anything else.
Superb meeting focusing on marketing today with David and other members! Loved the excellent knowledge available in the group. Great sharing and lots of great tips. david is easy to get along with and works hard to grow the members businesses.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Rachel, it is great to be able to return the favour as I have learn some very helpful things from you.
I thought the Marketing Workshop was very interesting and balance the variety of knowledge in the room.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Paula, you brought so very good points to the workshop today. I am looking forward to the next already.
David Ruddle of the Best of Eastbourne works tirelessly to promote his members on the Best of Eastbourne, and the wider community.

David has a large online social influence and uses his digital marketing skills to great effect - helping businesses and the community engage on and offline via his successful monthly #EBTweetups

David also actively supports Buy Local and is a champion of small independent businesses in Eastbourne. Highly recommend his services.
It was an absolute delight to meet up with Dave again today after almost 2 years. His boundless energy and enthusiasm has continued to grow and I loved reading about his awards and well earned recognition for the hours of passion and hard work he puts into developing the bestof Eastbourne to help and support local businesses and charities. Dave, helps and supports people in more ways than he realises and Teenage Cancer Trust in the South East are incredibly grateful of his ongoing support.

Reply from David Ruddle:
It was great to catch up it seems like only yesterday I was talking you though how to add your event to thebestof Eastbourne to promote your event to meet with potential volunteers in the Eastbourne area.
Welbeing has benefitted from being a member of thebestof Eastbourne through the exposure we get on socal media, thebestof website, blog posts, networking and marketing support. David is very enthusiastic, helpful and always able to give his expert opinion when we need it.

Reply from David Ruddle:
I am so pleased to hear my support has been helpful. Helping with the great work you do at WELbeing is highly rewarding.
My very first tweet up at the Afton - not sure what to expect - but so glad I went. All three guest speakers were very informative - giving much to mull over and the venue was great. David, you've done a great job - you work hard and it shows - you had a great turn out and an effortless (it seemed!!) event running smoothly. Well done :-)

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Mel, it was so rewarding to finally get you along to an event. Even more so you enjoyed it. I love the #EBtweetup as it is the guests that make the event :) Can't waif for the next one.
Not sure if this is the place but A REVIEW OF THE EB TWEET=UP. As I am a business owner and an employee AND an 'out of towner', I wasn't sure what I would get out of the tweet-up. My hope was, as the originator of #Sussexhour, that I would meet people from Twitter that I would be able to put a face to a name. My wish was granted & the first person I met was Katy Bourne SCCP, one of the very first #Sussexhour participants. David Ruddle put on an excellent event, and speaker Mina O'Brien was very interesting when sharing her Social Media start-up journey. Steve Lloyd's speech was disappointing; I thought he would speak more about what he would do for SMEs' & micro businesses in EB. But there is no accounting for politicians! All in all a well spent evening.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you for your kind words, as for being disappointed by Stephen Lloyd. I am sorry he did not cover what you expected. I asked Stephen to speak more about the importance of community and communication and not give a heavy talk about the "state of the nation" I look forward to seeing you at the cross over from #EBhour to #Sussex on Thursday.
A very interesting evening for me as a local Councillor meeting established business people and entrepreneurs. Good masterclass from PCC Katie Bourne - well done David and thank you for inviting me. Cllr Annabelle West.

Reply from David Ruddle:
It was very good of you to come along, I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how you can better share local news via thebestof Eastbourne.
Last night's EB Tweetup - with great speakers, great event! Well done, David!
TheBestOf Eastbourne is fantastic for an independent business like ours. David is very committed to everything he does, trying to help you whenever he can to assist with raising the profile of our business and supporting us along the way. We are a proud member of TheBestOf along with many other like minded businesses, achieving success through hard work, and offering great products and services.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you for your review. It means a lot to me that my efforts are noticed and I hope to continue to support your business get the results it truly deserves.
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