how important are communication skills and manners today?
6th December 2011
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Are communication skills and manners important in today's world?

I'd love to know your thoughts . . . 

I read this today:  'Think before you hit send:  Whether you replied to all when you should have forwarded, or you sent an email with a silly typo, most people wished for an Undo Send button on at least one occasion. ... What about when you say or do something in person that you immediately regret?  Instead of regretting, take five seconds before you speak or act, especially in high-stress or emotional situations.  Brain research has shown that by pausing, regulating your breathing, and taking just a few seconds, you are more likely to act rationally instead of foolishly."

Great words from William Montgomery at ASKTEN (you'll find him on Twitter and Facebook).

This seems highly relevant just now with people rushing around the shops through the Christmas rush.  We might make time for our family but how well are we communicating generally?

I'm always particularly proud of my niece Jo.  Her manners are impeccable - whenever she is in a shop and about to pay for something, she makes a point of making eye contact and saying thank you.  If she has been wandering around with her iPod or wearing sunglasses she ALWAYS disconnects from those potential barriers to connect properly with people.  Admirable.  (She does go a bit far when she apologises to furniture when she bumps into it!)  :-)

A friend of mine was racked with guilt at sending a private message via Facebook that the recipient immediately shared with others, without her permission.  My friend is a lovely person, incredibly kind and caring and was upset at how quickly an off the cuff comment to someone she trusted was broadcast on.

Another friend of mine was concerned I may have judged him badly because of a text he sent me several months ago when he was having a bad day.

What about the old phrase 'judge not unless you're prepared to be judged'?  How quickly people can jump on a bandwagon without thinking through the repercussions of their communications.

Putting things 'out there' - via social media or face to face - how much do we pause to think about the impact our words will have?

I was delighted last week when told one of my strengths was that I 'always say thank you'.  As a people person I think it's critically important to let people know when you appreciate them.

A little appreciation and thoughtfulness can go a long way.  It's often true that 'it's the thought that counts' - so I hope we see lots of lovely festive cheer in our interactions with others, personally and professionally.

I'm looking forward to a day with a group of people who are coming on my "Social Media - Up & Running!" event on Friday 9 December.

(online booking closes midnight Wednesday, you could see if we can fit you in by calling 01527 869180) 

One of the key things I'll be working with people on is 'what's your social media voice?'  It's too easy to dive into the online conversation without thinking first.

What's your online voice and what's your offline/face to face voice/personality like?  How thoughtful are you?

I'm working on mine - I'm a constant work in progress.

It would be great to hear your thoughts . . . 


About the Author

Mary C

Member since: 10th July 2012

Mary & Andy - passionate about helping you get more out of life & business. As members of thebestofbromsgrove we know what it's like to want a great recommendation. When we want the best we use thebestof....

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